Wednesday, 4 February 2015

WSO2 \ {Paul}

I have an announcement to make: as of this month, I am stepping down as CTO of WSO2, in order to concentrate on my research into IoT secure middleware.

I have been at WSO2 since the start: our first glimmer of an idea came in August 2004 and the first solid ideas for the company came about in December 2004. We formally incorporated in 2005, so this has been more than 10 years.

The company has grown to more than 400 employees in three different continents and has evolved from a startup into a multi-million dollar business. I'm very proud of what has been achieved and I have to thank all of the team I've worked with. It is an amazing company.

In late 2013, I started to research into IoT middleware as part of a PhD programme I'm undertaking at the University of Portsmouth. You can read some of my published research here. I plan to double down on this research in order to make significantly more progress.

Let me divert a little. You often meet people who wish to ensure they are irreplaceable in their jobs, to ensure their job security. I've always taken the opposite view: to make sure I am replaceable and so that I can move onto the next chapter in my career. I've never thought I was irreplaceable as CTO of WSO2 - I've simply tried to make sure I was adding value to the company and our customers. In 2013, I took a sabbatical to start my PhD and I quickly realised that the team were more than ready to fill any gaps I left.

WSO2 is in a great position: the company has grown significantly year over year over year, creating a massive compound growth. The technology is proven at great customers like Fidelity, eBay, Trimble, Mercedes-Benz, Expedia and hundreds of others.

I am an observer on the board and I plan to continue in that role going forwards.

Once again I'd like to thank all the people who I've worked with at WSO2 who have made it such a productive and life-changing experience.


  1. It was a pleasure working with you at WSO2. I wish you all the very best.

  2. In the brief time that I worked with you it was a pleasure. Do keep in contact.
    Marcus Langford
