Thursday, 27 March 2014

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but with no name, maybe not

The famous quotation from Shakespeare is that "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". But what if the rose had no name. What if every time you talked about it, you had to come up with a description, you know that thing with the pretty pink petals, except sometimes they are red, and sometimes white, but it smells really nice, except some don't really smell and others do. You know the thing with multiple layers of petals except for the wild ones that only have one layer of petals.

Maybe not so sweet.

What about the other way round? You build a really cool system that works effectively and then it turns out that someone has named it? Now that is nice, and yes, your thing suddenly smells sweeter.

I've had this happen a lot. When we first started WSO2 we applied a lot of cool approaches that we learnt from Apache. But they weren't about Open Source, they were about Open Source Development. And when they got names it became easier to explain. One aspect of that is Agile. We all know what Agile means and why its good. Another aspect is Meritocracy. So now I talk about a meritocratic, agile development team and people get me. It helps them to understand why WSO2 is a good thing.

When Sanjiva and I started WSO2 we wanted to get rid of EJBs: we wanted to remove the onion-layers of technology that had built up in middleware and create a simpler, smaller, more effective stack. It turns out we created lean software, and that is what we call it today. We also create orthogonal (or maybe even orthonormal) software. That term isn't so well understood, but if you are a mathematician you will get what we mean.

Why am I suddenly talking about this? Because today, Srinath posted a note letting me know that something else we have been doing for a while has a nice name.

It turns out that the architecture we promote for Big Data analysis, you know, the one where we pipe the data through an event bus, into both real-time complex event processing and also into Cassandra where we apply Hive running on Hadoop to crunch it up and batch analyse it, and then store it either in a traditional SQL database for reports to be generated, or occasionally in different Cassandra NoSQL tables, you know that architecture?

Aha! Its the Lambda Architecture. And yes, its so much easier to explain now its got a nice name. Read more here:

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