I don't normally blog about politics, but every once in a while they wind me up so much I can't help it!
4 British Politicians have been charged under the Theft Act for fiddling their expenses. They are saying that they are going to claim "parliamentary privelige" to avoid prosecution. Basically, under the 1689 Bill of Rights, MPs cannot be taken to court for things that happen within parliament. This is designed to protect them from libel and encourage free speech in Parliament. They are going to argue that this applies to their expense reports as well.
Whether or not they win that argument - this is really sinking to a new low. To pad your expenses is one thing. To claim that you are above the ordinary law - that you can avoid prosecution for fiddling your expenses just because you were a politician - that is the lowest of the low. If these MPs and Lords are truly innocent, let them prove it without claiming parliamentary privelige.
To do anything else will be to sink to a new low - cowering under one of the most sacred of our parliamentary rules to hide their thievery.
At this rate there won't be any MPs left. Quite good really because a new breed of non-professional men and women, with no experience of life, just politics,( oh sorry, I'm saying what's already happening) will fill their shoes and will do exactly the same thing all over again...10 weeks holidays, at least 5 figure income, expenses...sounds like we should all jump on the gravy train...just perfect!