Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Looking back on 2009

A short blog to remember 2009 by. It's been a significant year for WSO2.
  • 20 major product releases all based on our OSGi framework Carbon
  • 15 minor releases
  • Five new major products:
    • Business Process Server -
    • Business Activity Monitor -
    • Gadget Server -
    • Cloud Services Gateway -
    • Services Accelerator -
  • All our products now available as VMs and AMIs -
  • Our internal cloud framework available for test -
  • A complete middleware platform just 4 years after we started
  • One customer testing our ESB found it was 2-3x faster on their workload than all of the 5 other software-based ESBs they tested it against. 
  • Just one ESB customer is doing 150 million transactions a day with a peak load of 2000 transactions *per second*. A recently signed deal is going to blow that number out of the water in 2010!
On the business side it was also a great year, despite the economic climate:
  • Over 50% of our revenue now comes from repeatable production support.
  • We have doubled revenue every year (including 2009).
  • We signed a number of enterprise deals this year showing that we are really becoming the SOA platform of choice for large customers.
  • We beat our 2009 revenue target in one of the toughest economic times recently.
  • We resolved around 4x as many customer issues without impacting our release cycle. 
It has been a simply phenomenal year and I want to thank all the WSO2 team who have made it happen. The efforts have been outstanding and if anything there was more professionalism and even smoother operations this year. We are truly moving from startup to mature company. Above all the team displayed "Grace Under Pressure" - which is how Ernest Hemingway described having "guts".

Thanks, and have a fantastic Christmas. I'm looking forward to an incredible 2010!


  1. Great stuff Paul; your team should be proud!

  2. Paul:

    could you comment on how OSGi helped achieving these results?



  3. Congratulations to all the friends @ WSO2. It makes us really happy to see WSO2 doing great...

    All the best for a even better 2010 for WSO2...
